Michael Field
Apr 27, 20162 min read
Indiana Jones and the Building of a World
“World Building. Ugh. I hate it.” That’s my usual response. But that’s not fair, because I don’t hate it. I actually like world building....

Michael Field
Apr 19, 20166 min read
Stop Blaming Actors
Editor's Note: I posted this a year and seven days ago on the old Up on the Roof Blog, but it still holds true today. Enjoy. Actors. I...

Michael Field
Jan 1, 20162 min read
Happy New Year!
2016! The year you do what? The year I do...what? Nobody knows. I'll reference an old blog post from my old blog here: Goals, Not...

Michael Field
Nov 19, 20151 min read
New Project
New project! New projec So check it out and make sure to "like" the Facebook and follow along on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr Grindr, etc....

Michael Field
Nov 3, 20152 min read
90s Movie Making
When you start rummaging through boxes in the basement, you know you’re going to find memories. You’re just not sure what kind of...

Michael Field
Oct 9, 20152 min read
Why the change?
Why change the website up? What I had before wasn't really a web site. It was a blog disguised as a web site. It served me well. I guess....