Michael Field
Feb 14, 20191 min read
Keep Fresh
Why do I keep creating content? Why do I continue to write with no hope of having it be read? Why do I shoot short films with no chance...

Michael Field
Feb 5, 20182 min read
That's a Wrap!
Will & Grace came back. The X-Files came back. Roseanne is coming back. And now, here comes Scenes from the Movies! The comedic classic...

Michael Field
Oct 25, 20172 min read
Everywhere I look on LinkedIN, I find messages about scams trying to get money from writers and filmmakers. I learned a long time ago to...
Michael Field
Jun 21, 20173 min read
Sixth-Grade Procrastinator
Editor's Note: I wrote this last week for my Project Planning class, for which I'm taking as I earn a Master's Degree in Interactive...

Michael Field
Jun 5, 20171 min read
The Urge
Awhile back I wrote a piece about the struggle to create content versus creating good content. The urge to create content never goes away...

Michael Field
May 24, 20171 min read
Confidence is Underrated
Friends, family and self-help gurus will extoll the virtues of having confidence, but you can't make someone have it. You can't teach it....

Michael Field
May 19, 20171 min read
Screw the Old Way of Thinking
The rules are changing. Technology is breaking down how it used to be and leaving an empty space which very few people are willing to...

Michael Field
May 17, 20172 min read
Wishful Thinking Content
Would it be fair to say that the indie film world or maybe this whole industry is based upon hope? Potential? Wishful thinking? Is the...

Michael Field
Apr 17, 20171 min read
So Alone
Writing is a lonely business. You can talk about story with your friends over lunch. You can watch movies with your significant other and...

Michael Field
Feb 1, 20171 min read
I don't know if I believe in fate, but I know I don't believe in coincidences. I started my next semester for my graduate degree in...