Michael Field
Apr 18, 20182 min read
Second Edit
I recently finished my second edit on a new book. The second in the Adam Parker comedy-mystery series - Adam Parker and the High School...

Michael Field
Feb 5, 20182 min read
That's a Wrap!
Will & Grace came back. The X-Files came back. Roseanne is coming back. And now, here comes Scenes from the Movies! The comedic classic...

Michael Field
Jan 16, 20182 min read
The Stories Keep Coming
So through all this going back to school. Writing. Working within the local film community, I continued to get a steady paycheck as a...

Michael Field
Nov 2, 20163 min read
Revisiting One Up
The story of two lost souls and a fruit pie. That was the tagline for the short movie, "One Up", which we shot in November 2004. This was...

Michael Field
Nov 19, 20151 min read
New Project
New project! New projec So check it out and make sure to "like" the Facebook and follow along on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr Grindr, etc....